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Light printing

A. Low ink content. Should increase the ink content.

B.The printer head is too close to the platen. Should adjust the distance between the printer head and the platen. 

Ribbon can not run.

A.The belt faller is not installed correctly. Install it correctly again.

B.Printer drive shaft wear, replace the printer drive shaft

C.When replacing the core, the assembly is not correct, and the direction of the ink belt is not straightened out. Open the face cover, eliminate the abnormal installation of gears and shrapnel, and straighten the direction of the ink belt .

The printing mark is too dark and dirty.

A. New printer head, or the printer head is too close to the platen. Should adjust the distance between the printer head and the platen. 

B. The printer head is seriously abraded. Should change the printer head.

+86 18666990417 (Dora)