We use several cookies on our site read about them here in our privacy policy.

Privacy Policy

Our website or APP uses cookies and similar technologies in its online services to improve user experience and maintain the smoothness of services for every visitor as much as possible. These technologies usually include: identifiers, cookies, pixel tags, IP addresses, scripts, and mobile advertising identification codes. We and our third-party partners (with your prior consent, including partners who calculate network data and provide network media advertising services or profitable advertising services) use Cookies and similar technologies to meet multiple purposes.

This cookies policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy") provides you with information about cookies and similar technologies used by us and our third-party partners, the purpose of using them, and how you can deal with such technologies. This policy only applies to websites and mobile applications that are associated with it.

We will ask you whether you agree to accept cookies when you log in to the webpage. You can choose "Accept and Continue" or "Reject and Leave". At the same time, we will provide you with a link to this policy. You can browse this policy for the information about the cookies that may be used on this webpage.

If you choose "accept and continue browsing", some or all of the cookies mentioned in this policy will be enabled during the operation of this webpage. The activation of cookies will depend on the specific page you browse and the service you choose. While browsing the web, you can freely choose to cancel or change certain cookies in accordance with the guidelines of this policy. Please be aware that if you choose to cancel or change certain cookies, we will not be able to guarantee the correct operation of our website, some functions may be unavailable or some parts of the website may not be browsed. Sorry, if you choose "Reject and leave", it means that you have rejected all cookies on this website, and the web page function will not work properly, so you cannot continue to browse this page.

What cookies and similar technologies are used in the service?

We and our third-party partners use a variety of cookies and similar technologies in our services, including:

Cookies are small files that your web browser saves on your computer. Cookies enable the service to recognize whether you have ever visited and save the user's preferences and other information.

 First-party cookies are set by the website you visit. It can make your browsing experience more efficient. For example, it helps us remember:

o Items in your shopping cart;

o Your login name;

o Your preferences, such as your preferred language or location.

 Third-party cookies are set by companies other than the entity who run the website you are browsing. For example, after obtaining your consent and permission in advance, we may form a partnership with an advertising network to push advertisements to you. We may also form a partnership with an analytics company to help us understand how users interact with our website. These "third-party" companies may also set cookies on your browser to continuously understand your behavior. The third party's use of the tracking mechanism is subject to its own privacy policy, not this policy.

 Pixel tags. Pixel tags or web beacons are small strings of software codes that represent a request for a graphic image on a web page or email. Pixel tags or web beacons may or may not have a visual graphic image associated with it, and the image is usually designed to fit into the background of a web page or email. It can be embedded in a web page or e-mail to convey information and may include personal information. Pixel tags can be used for many purposes, including on-site traffic information reporting, unique visitor counting, advertising audits and reports, and determining whether a user has opened a particular email.

 IP address. An IP address (Internet Communication Protocol address) is the address of a computer, device, or online service. Its form is as follows: It allows computers to recognize each other and determine where to send information via the Internet. Usually an IP address is assigned to your computer or other device from the network you are using to send website information back to your web browser. A similar process is used when your phone connects to the Internet via Wi-Fi or a mobile network. When your address changes, the IP address of your computer or phone may also continue to change.

Mobile terminal identification code. We and our third-party partners may use mobile identification codes to collect information about your use of services on mobile devices. For example, most modern mobile devices (iOS 6, Android 2.3, Windows 10 and above) provide mobile advertising identification codes. They are randomly generated alphanumeric codes associated with your device, usually accompanied by the option of resetting the identification code and not accepting profitable advertising. These identification codes have different names depending on the operating system. For example, it is called Advertising IDs on Android devices and Identifiers for Advertisers (IDFA) on iOS devices. These technologies and other mobile device identification codes may be used to monitor the usage of mobile applications on a particular device.

How do online services use cookies and similar technologies?

Functional Cookies and similar technologies.

The service uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure the correct operation of our website and mobile applications. We call these cookies "functional cookies", and we use them for:

• Save preferences, such as language, location, number of search results that will be displayed, login information, etc.;

• Record the items you added to your shopping cart;

• Detect misuse of our website and services, such as by recording several consecutive unsuccessful logins;

• Distribute the load among our servers to make the service available.


In order to determine which of our service users are most interested in the service and improve the quality of the service, we use various analysis and tracking mechanisms to measure and verify the service. Including the use of various third-party software such as Google Analytics and tongji.baidu.com. Such third-party software may set and enter cookies on your computer or other devices and may collect information related to your activities on the service. Information about your use of our website and mobile applications may be transmitted to these third parties and stored on their servers.

The analysis is carried out on the basis of the collected information. It allows us to be as user-friendly as possible in terms of the structure, navigation, and content of the service. The specific purposes that we use cookies and similar technologies to meet are:

• Record the number of visitors to our web pages and the usage of our mobile applications;

• Record the time spent by each user on our webpage or mobile application topic;

• Determine the order in which a visitor visits each page or topic of our website or mobile application;

• Assess which parts of the website need to be changed;

• Optimize the website or mobile application.

How to choose not to accept Google Analytics, tongji.baidu.com, please refer to the following "How to choose not to accept certain analysis and profitable advertising?"


The service also uses feedback cookies provided by third-party partners. These cookies allow you to share your ideas, questions, ratings and issues with us, share your feedback with others, and read feedback left by others. These third parties may also use and save cookies to distribute load among various web servers.

social media

Our service may integrate certain third-party plug-ins (such as Facebook’s "like" button) and social media topics. Even if you do not click on these plug-ins, these third parties may still collect information about you, such as your IP address and the webpages you browse. They may also set and/or enter cookies. We may allow you to log in to our service using your social media account. In this case, your social account provider may share some of your information with us, such as your public information. We have no control over the setting of these third-party cookies. Please visit third-party websites to learn more about their cookies and how to manage these cookies.

Online and profitable advertising

Our services may enable third-party tracking mechanisms to continuously collect data across unrelated websites and mobile applications for profitable advertising. For example, a third party pushes you online advertisements of our products on non-this website and mobile applications because you have visited the website or used a topic of a mobile application. In addition, our third-party advertising partners may use the information about your use of the service to determine the non-our product advertisements that are pushed to you with your usual online behavior. If you choose not to accept third-party profitable advertising technology, please refer to the following "How to choose not to accept certain analysis and profitable advertising?"

Third parties may also use cookies and similar technologies for advertising delivery and reporting purposes, such as providing specific advertisements based on specific types of browsers or current conditions; statistical reports based on activities on websites or mobile applications; analysis and analysis Reporting; optimizing advertising placement; advertising performance; scope and frequency metrics (such as frequency caps); security and fraud prevention; billing; and recording the number and number of advertisements posted to a specific website or mobile application on a specific date type.

How can I adjust my browser settings and delete cookies or mobile identification codes?

If you do not want the website to store cookies on your computer, you can change your browser settings so that you can receive an alert before certain cookies are stored. You can also change your browser settings to allow your browser to reject most cookies or only certain third-party cookies. You can also delete stored cookies. Please note: You need to change the settings of each browser and computer you use. Moreover, these methods have no effect on some non-cookie online tracking mechanisms.

Please be aware that if you do not wish to accept any cookies, we cannot guarantee the correct operation of our website. Some features may be unavailable or some parts of the website may not be browseable.

The procedure for changing your settings and cookies varies from browser to browser. If necessary, please use the help function on your browser or click one of the links below to go directly to the user manual of your browser.

· Chrome

· Firefox

· Internet Explorer

· Safari

You can also reset the advertising ID in the device settings of your mobile device. iOS users can visit Settings> Privacy> Advertising> Reset Advertising Identifier. Android users can visit Google settings> Ads> Reset advertising ID. The effect of these controls is very similar to the effect of deleting cookies in the browser-the device is more difficult to associate with past activities, but tracking may still occur through the new advertising identification code.

How to choose not to accept certain analysis and profitable advertising?

You can choose not to accept Google Analytics' use of cookies for analysis purposes by visiting https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

You can choose not to accept third-party profitable advertisements in web browsers and mobile applications by following the instructions below. Please note: This non-acceptance only applies to the specific browser or device through which you choose not to accept; therefore, you need to opt-out on all your browsers and devices respectively. If you delete or reset your cookies or mobile terminal identification code, change your browser, or use another device, any cookies or tools that you choose not to accept will no longer be valid, and you need to choose not to accept it again.

 The web browser chooses not to accept. If you choose not to accept it in your web browser, please visit the Consumer Opt-Out page of the Network Advertising Initiative: www.networkadvertising.org/choices, the Consumer Choice page of the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA): www.aboutads.info/consumers, Digital The Consumer Choice page of the Advertising Alliance of Canada: www.youradchoices.ca/choices, and the Choice page of the Digital Advertising Alliance of Australia: http://www.youronlinechoices.com.au/opt-out/.

 You can also download the "Protect My Choices" tool of the Digital Advertising Alliance from www.aboutads.info/pmc to keep the options you set on the Consumer Choice page of DAA.

 The mobile app chooses not to accept it. If you choose not to accept it in the mobile app, please download the AppChoices tool of the Digital Advertising Alliance from www.aboutads.info/appchoices and adjust the advertising options on your mobile device. To adjust advertising options in the iOS system, please visit Settings> Privacy> Advertising> Limit Ad Tracking. To adjust advertising options in the Android system, please visit Settings> Google> Ads> Opt out of interest-based ads.

Please note: Our service currently does not respond to Do Not Track browser signals.

Changes to this policy

We can change this policy from time to time by publishing an updated version of the policy on our service. Any changes will take effect on the "effective" date published at the beginning of this policy. We encourage you to visit frequently to continue to understand how we will use cookies and similar technologies.

If you want to know more about our Cookies policy, or/and have any specific questions or requests, please feel free to send an email to our mailbox website@pantum.com to contact us.

+86 18666990417 (Dora)