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The cartridge is too loose with the printer.

A. Different area or different manufacturer for the printer cause the problem. Should change into compatible ribbon.

B. Detent of the cartridge is broken during the shipment. Should change the ribbon.

C. The cartridge emplacement of the printer was deformed. Should mend the printer.

The ribbon flutter,can not run smoothly.

A.The inked nylon ( near the pritner head ) wasn't be assembled correctly. Should reassemble the inked nylon.

B.The flat spring on the pulling side was deformed, bend the spring and reassemble it.

Ribbon can not run smoothly.

Wrong direction in reeling the spool. Should correctly reel it.

Can not be used.

This model can not used for printer model SHARP, EL-1197P III. Should change into the compatible one.  

+86 18666990417 (Dora)