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Common problem:

1. Ribbon fracture

2. The ribbon motion sensing signal is interrupted

3. Ribbon was stuck

4. Wear or breakage of the driving belt of the ribbon driving wheel

Common problem:

1. If one or more vertical lines are found on the label surface, what should be done?

2. How do I solve the problem that there are multiple slanted white stripes on a label?

3. The carbon tape is correctly matched with the label, but the text cannot be printed. No error is reported on the printer or computer. How to solve this problem?

Common problem:

1. Why does the ink strip come out with the D1 tag strip when I print the label?

2. Is the material of our ribbon shell PET?

3. Is the band of RL-D-45013P made of polyester or vinyl?

4. Is the case of Rhino ribbon the same case?

5. D1 series: 1) Is it waterproof, friction-proof and can it be exposed to the sun? Can it be used outdoors? 2) Is it corrosion resistant (such as oil and salt in the kitchen, acid and alkali in the factory, etc.)?

Common problem:

1. RL-B-Fx-T231 cannot be used on PT-E115B machines

2. Why does the printed label have black or white horizontal lines or the printed content is unclear?

3. Why couldn't take out the ribbon?

4. What are reasons of printer tapes caused by labels?

5. Does the strength of the label tear reflect the stickiness?

6. Where are the zebra bands of Series B products affixed? What is the purpose of a zebra belt?

7. The label head printed for series B products has no content and is very wasteful. Is there any way to avoid it?

Common problem:

1. How many words can be printed at most?

2. The label tape has changed colour after being scratched.

3. The font size of the LW-400 printed with an 18mm label is the same as that of the LW-400 printed with a 12mm label. What is the reason?

4. Why does the monitor suddenly not show what reason is?

5. What is the cause of blurred handwriting?

6. What is the reason why the handwriting is not centered?

7. Can you attach cables?

8. Are the labels all strong adhesive?

Common problem:

1. The detailed methods and procedures for installation, use, and routine maintenance are as follows:

2. How to identify quality label ribbon?

3. How are label ribbons classified and what are the categories?

+86 18666990417 (Dora)